Our Prayer

Our Prayer

Heavenly Father, I know that I have sinned against You and that my sins separate me from You. I am truly sorry. I now want to turn away from my sinful past and turn to You for forgiveness. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that Your Son, Jesus Christ, died for my sins, that He was raised from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become my Savior and the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send Your Holy Spirit to help me obey You and to convict me when I sin. I pledge to grow in grace and knowledge of You. My greatest purpose in life is to follow Your example and do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Class Lesson October 11, 2020

 Hey Gang,

Final lesson in our series called

Oneness Embraced

Wayne & Alex

Click Play to Watch

Oneness Embraced Book by Tony Evans

Click Here to Read the Book

I have purchased the eBook for you to read above, if you’d like to read along with the study - just click on the link above for the book.

Week 7: Oneness Embraced – Discussion Guide

The Key to Kingdom Oneness and Holding Back Evil Through the Church

FOCUS:  The purpose of the Church and what this means for fighting the onslaught of evil, e.g. racial divide, and the salvation of a nation.


Tony Evans’ Video highlights:

  • Hurricane Katrina visit to New Orleans and failed levees
  • The job of the church to restrict evil
  • The first mention of the Church in Matthew 16
  • The function of the Church made up of individuals linked together to reflect and legislate the values of the Kingdom of God
  • The Church as Heaven on Earth and the problem of the Church becoming just like the earth
  • Jesus’ statement “I will build my Church”. The keys are given to gain access.
  • The purpose of the Church is the Kingdom, not the Church. Using the wrong keys will not work.
  • The Church is the levee to keep hell and Satan out
  • Unity is critical for the salvation of a nation. God has given only the Church access to Him to overrule what the enemy is doing in society. The church as God’s legislative body is very powerful and hell cannot stop it.


For Group Time


  • Share a time when you acted as a levee for someone or some situation.


Discussion Questions Session 6:

  1. Share your thoughts on the analogy Dr. Evans used of the church as a levee. What is the true purpose of the church?
  2. Like weak levees, where has the church in the U.S. been remiss/rebellious in pushing back evil, specifically as it relates to racism?
  3. Like strong levees, where has the church in the U.S. been faithful/righteous in pushing back evil, specifically as it relates to racism?
  4. Does understanding the true purpose of the church and why oneness should be embraced convict you in any way?  What will you do differently?



  • As a Christian, how can I help to hold back the sin of racial division, injustice, racism?
  • Do I know the purpose to which God has called me?
  • How am I representing the “homeland (Kingdom of God)?” Read 1 Peter 2:4-5, 9-11

Challenge: Imagine what oneness would look like for you?  Think prayerfully this week about next steps for you, for First Baptist Simpsonville/Upstate Church, for your workplace, and for our city.



Hope to see everyone this Sunday!!

God Bless,

David & Susan

Teacher Notes:

Click Play to Watch

The Key to Kingdom Oneness 


Holding Back Evil Through the Church

FOCUS:  The purpose of the Church and what this means for fighting the onslaught of evil, e.g. racial divide, and the salvation of a nation.

Tony Evans’ Video highlights:

  • Hurricane Katrina visit to New Orleans and failed levees - held back lake Ponchartrain flooded 26% of New Orleans immediately - Catastrophic event August of 2005
  • Spawned off 62 tornadoes across 8 states
  • Claimed more than 1800 lives
  • 106 billion dollars of damage – costliest in world
  • Storm surge 26 feet
  • Levees: Hold back the water   Church (Levees for society): Hold back the flood waters
  • Levees were vulnerable, later tested and failed, waiting on the big one
  • Levees being the church - Waters of Lake Ponchartrain not new waters been there shouldn’t be surprised that New Orleans flooded
  • Shouldn’t be surprised everything flooding into our culture
  • Biggest problem not Katrina it was the levees
  • Biggest problem not racism biggest problem is the church’s lack of response to racism / sinful storm in our culture – the church has to deal with – has to step up – the church is supposed to be the levees
  • The job of the church to restrict evil
  • The first mention of the Church in Matthew 16
  • The function of the Church made up of individuals linked together to reflect and legislate the values of the Kingdom of God
  • The Church as Heaven on Earth and the problem of the Church becoming just like the earth
  • Jesus’ statement “I will build my Church”. The keys are given to gain access.
  • The purpose of the Church is the Kingdom, not the Church. Using the wrong keys will not work.
  • The Church is the levee to keep hell and Satan out
  • Unity is critical for the salvation of a nation. God has given only the Church access to Him to overrule what the enemy is doing in society. The church as God’s legislative body is very powerful and hell cannot stop it.


Illustration: the levees and an embassy

  • Embassy a home away from the home land sovereign territory in a foreign land – the safe place - Jason Bourne 
  • Church is to be a little piece of heaven here on earth


Discussion Questions Session 6:

  • Share your thoughts on the analogy Dr. Evans used of the church as a levee. What is the true purpose of the church?
  • God has placed a levy in history – He has called it the church
  • The church is designed to hold back Satan’s forces being unleashed against mankind.
  • Weak levees - where has the church failed in pushing back evil, specifically as it relates to racism.
  • Strong levees – where has the church been faithful in pushing back evil, specifically as it relates to racism.



Share your thoughts on the analogy Dr. Evans used of the church as an embassy.
What is the true purpose of the church?



3.    Does understanding the true purpose of the church and why oneness should be embraced convict you in any way?  What will you do differently?


The unity of the church is critical to the progress of God's work in history.

I will build My Church. Stones hewn together to become a ROCK!

The Purpose of the Church / the Kingdom

The Keys to the Kingdom / Power / Authority in Heaven

Unified - cross-cultural / cross-race / cross-class


As a Christian, how can I help to hold back the sin of racial division, injustice, racism?

Do I know the purpose to which God has called me?

How am I representing the “homeland (Kingdom of God)?”

Read 1 Peter 2:4-5, 9-11


Challenge: Imagine what oneness would look like for you? 

Think prayerfully this week about next steps for you, for First Baptist Simpsonville/Upstate Church, for your workplace, and for our city.

I Can See Clearly Now

Click Play to Hear

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