Hey Gang,
Last week was a great start to our final 4 lessons on "Making The Case For The Christian Life" and we learned a lot from Malcolm Tucker's visit to Mayberry on a Sunday afternoon.
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"You people are living in another world" I love that line and it does happen to be biblical. We saw from the episode that the Christian life is about personal relationships: with God and with others. When Jesus was asked to summarize His religion, He said that it was simply to love God and our neighbor. Are there rules that Christians are expected to abide by - yes, but the rules should never be the focus of the Christian life - they do exist, and for good reason.
The Christian life involves a number of different aspects, I gave you 4 last Sunday:
- Fellowship with God
- Our relationship with others
- Obedience to God's commands
- Discipline
Last week we had to answer the question of why we believe that the Christian Life is a better way to live. Can you answer that question now?
Great, because this week we venture into a topic that might be closer to each of us than we would like to admit. We are talking about $-Greed-$ and the Christian Life. Can they co-exist? Some say greed is good, some say it makes you miss what's truly important. Should I feel guilty for enjoying life here on earth, is that bad? What if I worry about money, is this a bad thing? Is it wrong to horde what I have earned and accumulated over the years? How do I balance wise planning for the future and generous living now? Our lesson this week is entitled - "Life in Light of Eternity."
Wow...I don't know about you, but I can relate to all of these questions. This week takes us through the parable of the rich fool in Luke 12:13 - 21, where we are told to see what life is not and how this kind of life is a lose-lose situation. Then we are shown a win-win situation through the life of Paul in Philippians 1:21-26. This will be a good topic to discuss - be ready!
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The 2nd Half of Marriage Class will be hosting its first Christmas Party Friday, December 10th at the home of Larand & Monica Spencer. The festivities begin at 6:30pm (confirmed) and we'll be passing around a sign-up sheet for appetizers and desserts. Don't forget to bring your White Elephant gifts - 2 gifts per couple. This is always a hoot!
Hope to see you all on Sunday, have a blessed rest of the week.
In His Love,
David & Susan