Our Prayer

Our Prayer

Heavenly Father, I know that I have sinned against You and that my sins separate me from You. I am truly sorry. I now want to turn away from my sinful past and turn to You for forgiveness. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that Your Son, Jesus Christ, died for my sins, that He was raised from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become my Savior and the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send Your Holy Spirit to help me obey You and to convict me when I sin. I pledge to grow in grace and knowledge of You. My greatest purpose in life is to follow Your example and do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Class Lesson December 9, 2012

This Christmas season savor every precious moment as you are introduced to the     NAMES of GOD.

What’s in a Name?


A Few of the Father's Names

 Hebrew Name
English Term
 Genesis 1:1
 YHWH Elohim
 Genesis 2:4
 El Elyon
 Genesis 14:18-20
Most high GOD.
 YHWH Yireh
 Genesis 22:14
The LORD will provide.
 YHWH Rapha
 Exodus 15:26
The LORD heals.
 YHWH Nissi
 Exodus 17:15
The LORD is my banner.
 YHWH Shalom
 Judges 6:24
The LORD is peace.
 YHWH Raah
 Psalm 23:1
The LORD is my Shepherd.
 YHWH Tsidkenu
 Jeremiah 23:6
The LORD our Righteousness.
 YHWH Shammah
 Ezekiel 48:35
The LORD is There.

Papa - Dad - Daddy
What did you call your father? What characteristics come to mind when you think of him? Why imitate God rather than assume He’s like your dad?

Yahoo Question:What was your first impression of God, when you were just a kid?
  • No impression of God - go to church or burn in hell.
  • God is the biggest lie in world history. Luckily, my parents didn't try to brainwash me. I pity you christians.
  • A cartoon character.

Martin Luther once said, "I have difficulty praying the Lord's Prayer because whenever I say our Father, I think of my own father, who was hard, unyielding, and relentless. I cannot help but think of God that way."

It's sobering to realize that we are God's Ambassadors - of His message and His image.

If you could freeze a moment in your life with your father, what moment would that be?

If you could freeze a moment in your life with your children, what moment would that be?

What characteristics and behaviors do you think a father should have?

  • What would he steadily do? What would he never do? What would make him a good guide and parent? What would make him an example of love? How would he solve problems?
  • Samples: a good father is selfless, stays nearby, acts without wanting credit. He decides based on what is right rather than what promotes his needs or agenda. He has the heart of a teacher, giving his children the tools they need to accomplish the task. He explains why as well as how.
  • He would always be near, ready to listen, help, or act.
  • He’d give a foundation. He’d be someone you could safely trust.
  • He’d be patient, willing to wait for his children to understand what He’s teaching and thrilled when they accomplish the task.
  • He’d explain the why as well as the how, and guide you to make your own wise choices. He’d show you the heart of the matter.
  • He would be strong, wise, principled, and approachable.

Each of the above is an expression of love. What people have shown you the kind of fatherly love God shows? How will you imitate God in the way you choose to show love?

The book of Psalms is one of the truly majestic pieces of biblical literature.

  • It is a collection of 150 songs inspired by the Spirit of God.
  • Some celebrate the history of the nation of Israel, others pronounce judgment. Some point to the coming Messiah. Some lift up a chorus of praise to the Creator.
  • Psalms 103 may be the “Mt. Everest” of praise psalms.
  • It exalts the soul to breath-taking heights.
  • It is a psalm of David penned in the latter years of his life perhaps after he had passed through some great crisis or storm from which he had been delivered.
  • In Psalms, David pours out his heart, mind, and soul to the One who has known his strengths and weaknesses, fears and triumphs.
  • Psalm 103 in particular divulges David’s ongoing list of reasons to praise God’s love, particularly in comparison to humanity’s shortcomings.
  • The first verse of the Psalm sets the tone for the entire song, revealing David’s unhindered passion to proclaim God’s faithful love: “My soul, praise Yahweh, and all that is within me, praise His holy name.”
  • Psalm 103 refers to God as a compassionate father as well as a grandfather, revealing the personal, intimate relationship between David and God. We learn from God how to be a reliable parent; we don’t expect God to be like our parents, for better or for worse. Similarly, we let God parent us in all the ways a parent is to behave: we draw on His strength; we let Him boss us; we see and imitate His selflessness; we draw near to Him; we build our life on Him as foundation; we safely trust Him; we strive to be strong, principled, and approachable. 


2 My soul, praise the Lord, and do not forget all His benefits. 3 He forgives all your sin; He heals all your diseases. 4 He redeems your life from the Pit; He crowns you with faithful love and compassion. 5 He satisfies you with goodness; your youth is renewed like the eagle. 6 The Lord executes acts of righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. 

What storms in life did David have to experience? What are some of the storms in your life? Is it raining now? Do you think your Father in heaven intentionally puts you through trials in life? Isn’t there an easier way for us to learn?

  • In 3-5 David recounts some of God’s gracious acts for him and his people. Do you think David had in the back of his mind the adultery with Bathsheeba and having her husband Uriah killed?
  • Psalms are hymns from life experiences. Through them we see how to honor God no matter what. Through storms, crises, problems, fears, joys, and questions we stubbornly finds ways to obey God. David wrote Psalm 103. He called on himself (my soul) to praise the Lord (Yahweh). David urges himself not to forget the times God carried him through life’s storms.
  • We should praise the Lord for all the great things He has done for us. The blessings of forgiveness, healing, and life come to us from a God of love, goodness, and righteousness. 

Read Deuteronomy 1:31 (NIV)

There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son...

Why should we look at God for an image of a father rather than fathers for an image of God?

  • Some of us had loving and healthy fathers. Others among us had absentee fathers, dictatorial fathers, cruel fathers, abusive fathers, or apathetic fathers. None of us had perfect fathers, so let’s look at God for the image of a father rather than fathers for an image of God.

Why might God give Himself the name “Father”?


8 The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and rich in faithful love. 9 He will not always accuse us or be angry forever. 10 He has not dealt with us as our sins deserve or repaid us according to our offenses. 11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His faithful love toward those who fear Him. 12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.

Think of one time in your life when you knew the immensity of God’s compassion and forgiveness in such a way that you said, “I will never be able to repay Him for this.”

  • What would have been a time for David?

Have you ever felt like God failed to come through for you? Looking back, do you still feel the same?

How should a father show compassion to his children? How should a father use the times he becomes angry with his children? How did God use anger well?

  • What actions from God, in these verses, show God is slow to anger? What are dangers of being quick to anger? How about ignoring anger all together? How does God use anger well?
  • Anger, well expressed, can be an expression of love: it shows that your behavior matters. Choosing cruel behavior hurts people; it makes sense to be mad about that. So God faithfully loves us back into right behavior. Then we and those around us are safe.
  • David uses a courtroom term to stress God did not carry His legitimate quarrel or contention with His people to the full extent. He would not always accuse them; He would not constantly find fault with them and berate them. Rather, He would deal with their sin and would not continue punishment beyond that point. Furthermore, God would not hold a grudge against His people. Unlike humans, He would not nurture (keep or guard) His anger with a view to unleashing it for personal satisfaction.

How far from us does God remove our transgressions (rebellious misbehavior)? Do we have a role in this? If so what is that role?

  • God’s forgiveness is not a blank check but a delightfully freeing opportunity to do the right thing for the right reason.

David continued to outline benefits God gives. These benefits flow from God’s character: verse 8 echoes Exodus 34:6b, where God revealed part of His character to Moses. In Psalm 103:8, David listed four qualities of God’s character shown in His dealings with His people.

1. The Lord is compassionate.

2. He is gracious – an action used only of God in the OT. God’s favor is not based on people’s deserving it. The noun form is “grace.”

3. Yahweh is slow to anger – He does not nurture (keep) His anger.

4. God is rich in faithful love – covenant love; loving kindness; goodness.


13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him.

17 But from eternity to eternity the Lord’s faithful love is toward those who fear Him, and His righteousness toward the grandchildren 18 of those who keep His covenant, who remember to observe His precepts.

How can the rain in our lives be the closest experience we can have to our Father in heaven?

  • God says when you cry out to me, I listen. He says, I cannot ignore the cries of someone who is afflicted.
  • Psalm 34:17 (MSG) Is anyone crying for help? God is listening, ready to rescue you.
  • Psalm 55:17 (NIV) Evening, morning, and noon, I cry out in distress, and He hears my voice.
  • Psalm 88:1 (NIV) O LORD, the God who saves me, day and night I cry out before you.

What does it mean to fear God? What does it not mean? How can you tell if you have a healthy fear of God? Is there a healthy fear of your earthly father?

  • When we fear God, we realize we would be a fool to disobey Him. Why? Because He truly has our best interest at heart. He also sees past, present, and future. Who else does that?
  • Fearing God does not mean living in fear or being fearful of His presence in our lives. It means we fear what we would do to ourselves if we don’t do as He says; or if we do what He says not to do.

What is the generational promise in 103:17-18? What does this mean?

  • When we live according to God’s love, our kids and grandkids see it. They often imitate it.
  • Conversely when we observe the benefits of God’s love in our children and grandchildren, we understand that God’s promise to love is not limited to our own lives; He intends for that love to multiply beyond our lifetime and to be passed on for many generations.

If God were to freeze a moment in time with you, what moment would it be?

Now, may you, when you’re soaking wet, lost, hurting, and confused, may you cry out and may your Father in heaven take you out of your pack, may He hold you tight up against His chest, may He wrap His eternal loving arms around you, and may you hear Him whisper…

“I love you buddy. We’re going to make it. Dad knows the way home. We’re gonna make it. I love you.”

Prayer of Commitment

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for hearing my cry and showing me an extraordinary love. Amen.

Be in prayer this week as we look at God as our Heavenly Father and what that should mean to us.

See you on Sunday!

In His Love,

David & Susan

Great Time at the Christmas Party!