Our Prayer

Our Prayer

Heavenly Father, I know that I have sinned against You and that my sins separate me from You. I am truly sorry. I now want to turn away from my sinful past and turn to You for forgiveness. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that Your Son, Jesus Christ, died for my sins, that He was raised from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become my Savior and the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send Your Holy Spirit to help me obey You and to convict me when I sin. I pledge to grow in grace and knowledge of You. My greatest purpose in life is to follow Your example and do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Class Lesson February 6, 2011

Hey Gang,

This Sunday we begin a new 4 week series entitled "God's Outrageous Love" all from the book of Hosea. As I turn to the book of Hosea I find myself in the final segment of the Old Testament with the writings of those called the "minor prophets." Of course, it isn't their message that is minor, it's just that their books are shorter and more focused. Hosea's prophesy is  considered a "living parable," in other words, he is called to live out his message. His prophesy is also called a love story, not the silly, "love ya' man" or "baby, I need your lovin" kind of love, I'm talking about God's unconditional kind of love. Hosea demonstrates for us the very depth and magnitude of God's love for Israel and for us as we read and learn how God Loves the Unlovely. The song "Your Grace Still Amazes Me" comes to my mind as I read this story.

The first time God spoke to Hosea...

The book of Hosea contains no preface aside from the opening sentence or two. There is no wading into this pool - we immediately jump off the deep end and the interesting thing is that Hosea does too. Think about this, here's a godly man, minding his own business when suddenly, he hears a command from the Lord! And what a command, you can almost see Hosea saying, "You want me to do what?" This reminds me of Bill Cosby's portrayal of Noah when God first spoke to him about building an ark. Watch it below and see if you agree:

Click Here

If you thought Noah's command was strange, imagine what it must have been like for Hosea when his first message from God was to go, find a prostitute, and marry her! For Hosea to say, "Who is this really?" wouldn't have been an unreasonable question for him to ask. However, here's the difference, Hosea recognized the voice of God and he responds, not as Bill Cosby might have imagined, but in an immediate, humble obedience. God spoke - Hosea obeyed. You can hardly begin reading this book and you see that "Hosea did it." If I push everything back for a moment, before plunging into the rest of this story, I have to stop and marvel at Hosea's ability to hear, recognize and then obey the voice of God, even though what he has heard must seem highly unreasonable and questionable. This is rather remarkable, don't you think?

How can a child who is given an abundance of love, mercy, and grace treat a Father with so much disrespect?

Hosea is also a story of family troubles, and family relationships are always the most sensitive of our experiences. The primary family relationships are marriage and parenthood. Unfaithfulness in a marriage is one of life's most bitter betrayals and destroys the bond of love and trust. Dishonor of parents by their children is one of the most painful and destructive experiences for parents and children. The book of Hosea uses both of these traumatic family relations to communicate the pain to God caused by human sin. God pictures Himself like a husband to Israel and later as a dishonored Father. This dark side of our sin shows the seriousness of sin against God; it's like being unfaithful to a loving and trusting spouse, or dishonoring the parents who gave you life and love. 

We will see a powerful love and a painful betrayal in this story. We will see the beauty of marital sex and we will see the dirty side of sex in the marketplace. We will see the anger of God as He declares the coming destruction as a result of their sin, and we will see God's mercy as He promises restoration. There's nothing in Hosea that lends itself to a relaxing late night read before bed - this book is an emotional roller coaster. God is truly the God of Second Chances!

So, sit back in your chair and quietly tip toe into the book of Hosea as we begin with God's Outrageous Command in Hosea 1:2-3 and then His Severe Indictment in chapter 1:4-9 and finally His Miraculous Grace in chapter 3:1-5. This book is for adults only!

Hope to see you Sunday!

In His Love,

David & Susan