Our Prayer

Our Prayer

Heavenly Father, I know that I have sinned against You and that my sins separate me from You. I am truly sorry. I now want to turn away from my sinful past and turn to You for forgiveness. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that Your Son, Jesus Christ, died for my sins, that He was raised from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become my Savior and the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send Your Holy Spirit to help me obey You and to convict me when I sin. I pledge to grow in grace and knowledge of You. My greatest purpose in life is to follow Your example and do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Class Lesson October 31st

Hey Gang,

A special thanks to Scott Ballew for teaching for me last Sunday! I missed everyone and I can't wait to jump back in to our series on making "The Case for Jesus." This middle part of our overall series on "Apologetics" began by getting each of us to realize and understand the seriousness of sin and the fact that everyone has sinned. The following week we talked about the common notion of trying to improve ourselves enough that God would find us as acceptable and allow us into heaven as a reward for our good behavior. But wait, Paul told us that no one is good, no...not even one! Jesus answered the rich young ruler when addressed as Good Teacher, "Why do you call me good, no one is good except God." So is it not true that good people go to heaven? Well, the interesting thing about that is this ... if you ask most good people if when they die will they go to heaven, the most common response is "I hope so." What kind of hope is that? We learned that "Good" will never be good enough and that this kind of hope is nothing more than an unachievable effort to earn God's favor - you can't win! Why? Because you don't get it, and you clearly don't understand the case for Jesus if this is where you are. 

So, last week our lesson explored just what makes Jesus so different from  any other teacher or founder of a religion in history. Well, we learned that Jesus was unique in that He rose from the dead, never to die again - different than any other religious person in history. We learned that His teachings and miracles demonstrated that He was more than just another teacher or prophet. And did you know that there is no reliable historical data out there today that  shows that any founders of the world's major religions ever claimed to be God, but Jesus did! Why? Because He is God! And what could be more different than that

This week we explore the apologetic that Jesus is the only way to God.  Now, many people our age realize that Christianity is important, but also feel that other religions are important too. Some think that it sounds a little intolerant to say that Jesus is the only way to God. Why couldn't there be other ways and expressions that lead to the same God? What about those people that have never heard of Jesus, but are following a moral path that they believe leads to God? We will look at three answers to this question: first, we will read the most well-known verse in the Bible - John 3:16-18 to see the importance of Jesus being God's One Son. Secondly, we will read John 14:6-11 to explore how Jesus described Himself as the One Way to God. And our third answer will come through Paul's letter to Timothy (1 Timothy 2:3-6) where he warns Timothy that there will be many false teachers out there that will try to say that there are other ways, but that there is only One God, One Son and One Way - sounds pretty consistent to me...there must have been a plan

You know we were very fortunate to have Dr. Phil in the class a couple of weeks ago, but guess who I've got coming in this week?


We are going to see what she has to say about this question of Jesus being the only way - should be interesting. 

Class News:

This Saturday our class is participating in the church's Trunk or Treat event.

We have four cars assigned and each family should be getting a letter from the church with specifics about the event. We are all suppose to be at the church at 5:30 on Saturday with our candy - those of you that are using your trunks will be given parking assignments in your letter. Remember that afterward we are having a coffee and dessert social at "The Man Cave" better known as the Dewald's home! Be sure and let Traci and Joe know that you're coming for a headcount and directions to their home. 

Also, we are in the final week of collection and preparation for our class project: Operation Thanksgiving in Afghanistan. All of you should have received Monica and Larand's email this week, so be sure to show-up Sunday and help us wrapped up this special gift of thanks from our class to 18 soldiers serving in Afghanistan for our country. This is a busy week ahead for everyone and I pray that it's a blessed one as well.

See you Sunday!

In His Love,

David & Susan 

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