Hey Gang,
Last week we had a great discussion on sacrifice and the radical road it becomes when we move from gift to demand or salvation to discipleship. David Platt opened our eyes to what Jesus called followers to in His day and our day should be the same. Jesus said that those who follow Him will leave behind security, money, convenience, and even family for Him. They would abandon everything for the gospel. They would take up their crosses daily...
But Who Do You Know
Who Lives Like That? Do You?
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This week we finish our 5 week series on The Roads Less Traveled with a lesson on meditation. Now a lot of people hear meditation and they immediately think of cults and Eastern religious teachings like Buddhist followers with their legs crossed in a pretzel formation and their hands out as they repeat a mantra. They think, this has no place in a Christians life. Some people are just very active, so quiet times of meditation don't fit well with them. Are you someone that has trouble staying focused with quiet Bible reading, do you fall asleep or find yourself easily distracted? Christian meditation is a spiritual discipline that is very much needed for the journey of discipleship. In order to receive its blessing, we must build into our daily schedules a time set aside for the meditation made possible by listening to God as He speaks to us through His Word and we speak to Him in prayer.
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Ponder these thoughts: Why is silence so hard to deal with? Do you ever surround yourself with noise intentionally? If so, why do you think we do this? Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." If I'm not still, and if I don't listen, how is Jesus going to give me rest? When was the last time you spent some time in silence? We will see and experience this week the practice of meditation as expressed in the Psalms and by Jesus. Psalm 19:14 is one of the most memorable uses of meditation, it says, "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer."
Come to class this Sunday with a quiet spirit and with the expectation of connecting with God through meditation and prayer - you won't need a prayer pillow, the Baptist chairs will do just fine. We will be quietly meditating through Psalm 119:11-16; Mark 1:35-39; and Psalm 1:1-3. Please no televisions, cell phones or iPods this week!
Hope everyone has a blessed rest of the week as we prepare to hear and meet God in the silence of our meditation on Sunday.
In His Love,
David & Susan